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A Place Called Home

At Andrew Evan Homes, we're more than just a group home provider; we're a beacon of hope and opportunity for aged-out foster youth and individuals at risk of homelessness. Founded with a deep sense of purpose and compassion, our mission is to create a transformative environment where every resident can flourish and thrive.



Taking Independent Living to
the Next Level

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Comprehensive Care and Support

Highlighting the professional and compassionate staff, full-time care, and individualized support services offered to residents.

Comfortable Living Spaces

Showcasing the comfortable and nurturing environment provided by the group homes, including private bedrooms and communal areas designed for relaxation and socialization.

Holistic Wellness Programs

Emphasizing the focus on well-being, such as nutritious home-cooked meals tailored to each resident, life management skills development, and access to resources promoting physical, mental, and emotional health.



Empowering Futures, Nurturing Lives

At Andrew Evan Homes, we're more than just a group home provider; we're a beacon of hope and opportunity for aged-out foster youth and individuals at risk of homelessness. Founded with a deep sense of purpose and compassion, our mission is to create a transformative environment where every resident can flourish and thrive.

Our Journey: Driven by the vision of our founders, The Hudsons, Andrew Evan Homes was established as a response to the pressing need for supportive housing solutions. Inspired by a commitment to fostering self-sufficiency and independence, we embarked on a journey to provide not just shelter, but a sanctuary where individuals can heal, grow, and rediscover their potential.

Our Approach: At Andrew Evan Homes, we believe in the power of comprehensive care. Our dedicated team of professionals is committed to providing comprehensive support tailored to the unique needs of each resident. From personalized life management programs to nutritious home-cooked meals and a warm, welcoming atmosphere, every aspect of our approach is designed to nurture the body, mind, and soul.

Our Promise: When you choose Andrew Evan Homes, you're not just choosing a place to stay; you're choosing a community that cares. We are dedicated to creating an inclusive and supportive environment where every individual is valued, respected, and empowered to pursue their dreams. Together, we're building brighter futures, one life at a time.



Let’s Work Together

4193 Flat Rock Road, Suite 200, Office 297

Riverside, CA 92505

Tel: 951-465-8705

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